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Meet the Team

5-2 Ministry Team

Mission Statement


5-2 Ministries is a non-profit seeking to serve overlooked and undervalued communities. In Luke chapter 1 we find a promise that Jesus Christ would be a light to those who sit in darkness or find themselves in the shadow of death. We seek to provide practical tools, social support, and the resources needed to help break the cycles of poverty, incarceration, addictions, and mental illness.

Doctrinal Statement


1. God - We believe in the God of Israel. The creator God who exists in three persons. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 


2. Jesus Christ - We believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. We believe Jesus is the Messiah prophesied of in the Old Testament Scriptures. We believe Jesus lived a perfect life, died on a cross for the sin of the world, that He rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and will one day return to judge the world and establish His kingdom.


3. Salvation - We believe that we are saved by grace alone through the finished work of Christ alone. Upon salvation we believe every man or woman receives the Holy Spirit. There is no amount of works that can make us right before God, and we believe all men will give an account of their life. Those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ will inherit eternal life, and those who have rejected the Gospel of Christ will inherit eternal separation from God in hell. 


4. Man - We believe that man is created in the image of God, and that every man and woman holds immense value before God. We believe God created both men and women in His image. We believe marriage is created by God for a man and a woman to be united for life for the purpose of representing His love and character to the world. 


5. Sin - We believe all have sinned and fall short of God's glory. Sin is any action that falls short of God's perfect standard. Sin blinds us to God and His truth and leads to earthly and eternal consequences.


6. Scripture - We believe the Bible to be the inspired and inerrant Word of God and declares to us what is true of man, God, and eternal life. 

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